So, I now go back and modify the problem statement to bring the notion of parent approval of certain transactions more in line with what I've discovered in the use case. 因此,我现在返回并修改问题陈述,使家长对某种交易的认可的概念与在此用例中发现的更一致。
Within the switch statement of the tcp_usrreq() function, the case for PRU_LISTEN checks if the socket is bound to the port. 在tcpusrreq()函数的切换语句中,PRULISTEN的实例检查套接字是否绑定到端口。
All from a statement of work, we can derive the feature list and use case diagrams, break up the problem, and then pick a use case to start to iterate. 所有内容都来自于工作说明,我们得到特性列表和用例图,分解问题,然后选择一个用例开始迭代。
On Evidence Ability about the Statement of Suspects Which is Found by Undercover Police& On the View of Comparison of the Case of the United States 卧底警察所获犯罪嫌疑人陈述之证据能力探析&以与美国判例的比较、借鉴为视角
The people's court shall examine the statement of a litigant in the light of the other evidence in the case and determine whether it can serve as the basis of establishment of a fact. 人民法院对当事人的陈述,应当结合本案的其他证据,审查确定能否作为认定事实的根据。
A statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened. 对于表示某事确实那样或已经发生的信息核实的声明或断言。
The first is a comprehensive statement of theories on transfer of rural surplus labors from western economists and domestic researcher, which set a theoretical basis for the study on Xinhua county's case. 本文共分四部分,首先,对西方经济学家及国内学者关于农村剩余劳动力转移理论进行全面阐述,为研究新化县剩余劳动力的转移做理论铺垫和准备;
This paper gives a generalized statement of the Bremmer [ 1] theory in the case that the medium and the incident wave are of general form ( it is called the local principle of the process of wave motion) and proves it schematically. 本文叙述了在普遍的介质与入射波情况下Bremmer理论之推广,并给予简要证明。对下列三种具体情况导出了Bremmer级数之表达式:1.平面分层介质,平面波斜入射;
Collection of rules is the statement in identifying the facts of the case investigation agencies in the process of orderly system should be general. 口供收集规则是指侦查机关在查明案件事实过程中所应当循序的制度总称。
The parties 'statement is a kind of case materials in any civil proceedings. The definition of its function affects the result of the case directly. Furthermore, its function is closely related to the choice or change of the litigation system. 当事人陈述是一种在任何民事案件审理过程中都存在的诉讼材料,其功能的界定直接影响到案件审理的结果,但是其功能的发挥却与诉讼体制的选择或转变密切相关。
The statement is certainly conducive to the investigators the facts of the case quickly, but for some complex cases, has been facing increasing challenges. 口供固然有有利于办案人员迅速查明案情,但对于某些复杂案件来说,己面临越来越大的挑战。